Alterity Glimpsed Through a Prism

Solo Exhibition at Muracentoventidue, Bari, Italy
June 15 - July 31 --- 2024

Muratcentoventidue Artecontemporanea is pleased to present “Alterity glimpsed through a prism”, a solo exhibition featuring works by the Australian artist,  Lauren Moffatt.

In recent years there has been an image revolution induced by the spread of "game engines", graphic software borrowed from video games, which now also influences art.

With the emergence of new technologies such as photogrammetry and LiDAR, a photographic image becomes a volume, a space, an experience. The exhibition intends to show these new image-worlds, presenting the work of Lauren Moffatt who is part of a new generation of artists who, with photographic tools, design virtual ecologies, avatar-portraits, hybrid bodies, embodied stories, new experiences in the form of immersive, playful and accessible installations. Text by curator Angela Gonnella